Bristol: City Council Budget 2014-17 Consultation

25 November 2013, 13:45 | Updated: 25 November 2013, 13:53

Bristol City Council Logo

After Bristols Mayor George Ferguson revealed his budget proposals you can have your say on them.

Last week Mayor George Ferguson unveiled his budget proposals, detailing how he intended to close the council’s £90m three year budget gap.  Just 48 hours later, 346 responses had been received online, topping 2012’s final total of 333 through online and hard copy.

The response has been welcomed by the Mayor, who is encouraging as many people as possible to take part.

Mayor George Ferguson said: 

'I’m delighted to hear that within 48 hours of opening the budget consultation we have already received more response than we did in the whole period last year. Together with the massive live audience for my 1st anniversary ‘State of the City’ address on Monday, it is an encouraging sign of people feeling so much more engaged with the process. I am also looking forward to taking part in the four public sessions next week.'

Deputy Mayor Cllr Geoff Gollop added: 

'I'd like to thank the people of Bristol for this hugely encouraging initial response to the budget consultation.  The Mayor and the council as a whole have asked for your views and so far people have not been shy to give them.  

'This is exactly what we need because this is such an important discussion which Bristol must have if it is to deliver the best possible budget given the difficult circumstances.

'Please keep your views coming.'

Bristol’s budget consultation will run until Monday 30 December, with people able to see all of the detailed proposals for savings, give their views and suggest alternatives.  People can also give their views on the Mayor’s proposals for an annual 2% rise in Council Tax.

Over coming weeks there will be a wide range of consultation activity taking place around Bristol.  Events confirmed so far are:

26 Nov: 6.30 – 7.30pm - Mayor’s Budget question time at Henbury School
27 Nov: 9.30am - Resources Scrutiny commission at City Hall
27 Nov: 6.30 - 7.30pm - Mayor’s Budget question time at The Park Centre, Knowle
28 Nov: 10am – 12pm - Mayor’s community visit
28 Nov: 7 – 8pm - Mayor’s Budget question Time  at City Hall
29 Nov: 7 – 8pm - Mayor’s Budget question time at Bristol Brunel Academy, Speedwell
3 Dec:    7 – 8pm - Mayor’s question time  at Wills Memorial Building, near Clifton
4 Dec:    9 – 10am - Ujima/BCFM radio phone-in
6 Dec:    1pm - #ASKGeorge live webcast
10 Dec: 10am -12pm - Mayor’s community visit
11 Dec: 10am - Voscur equalities event at Mshed
13 Dec: 9.30am - Resources Scrutiny commission at City Hall
19 Dec: 9 – 10am - Radio Bristol ‘Hot Seat’ phone-in

Public meetings are ticketed events as capacity is limited.  Tickets can be booked online at via the ‘Have Your Say’ pages, where people can also view the budget proposals and complete an online survey.  Hard copies of the proposals and survey are available in libraries and Customer Service Points throughout Bristol.

The Mayor will also be having meetings with businesses, equalities groups and political Party Group Leaders to discuss the budget proposals during the consultation.