Bristol: More Roads To Get 20mph Speed Limit

26 February 2014, 11:31 | Updated: 26 February 2014, 11:37

20MPH Sign

As part of the roll out of 20 mph speed limits across Bristol, a draft Speed Limit Order has been issued to lower speed limits on the roads in the inner south area of the city.

It proposes a 20mph speed limit on most of the roads in Filwood, Knowle, Brislington and Ashton Vale after talks about the 20mph scheme with local residents between January and June last year.

The order also proposes that existing 40mph limits on lengths of Airport Road, Callington Road, Hartcliffe Way, Hengrove Way, Hengrove Way Roundabout and Marmalade Lane remain in place.  The inner south area scheme is the second of six phases in Bristol City Council’s 20mph citywide programme designed to make streets safer and improve quality of life for local communities.

Two pilot schemes running since May 2010 in the south (Bedminster, Southville and Windmill Hill) and east (Ashley, Easton, Eastville, Lawrence Hill and St Georges West) have been successful with 82% of local residents supporting the scheme now it is in place.

20mph speed limits are being introduced to reduce the risk and severity of collisions in Bristol. According to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA) while there is a 20% chance of fatal injury when someone is hit by a car travelling at 30mph, this reduces to just 2.5% if the car is travelling at 20mph.

Slower speeds have also been shown to support people to become more active, through increased cycling and walking.

Full details of the plans are available on the city council website HERE. Anyone wishing to object to the TRO proposals can either email quoting ref CAE/NMT/P-880 or write to Third Floor, Wilder House, Wilder Street, Bristol BS2 8PH by 14 March 2014.