Cambridge: New Private Hospital
7 February 2013, 11:27 | Updated: 7 February 2013, 12:51
A new £27 million pound private hospital is going to be built in Cambridge.
Cambridge City Council have approved plans for a new Nuffield Health Hospital on the same site in Trumpington Road as the existing hospital.
It will see a three-storey hospital built on the south side of the plot and the demolition of most of the existing premises, except for a 1990s wing.
Nuffield Health said that they have consulted widely and the Hospital's Director, Maxine Estop praised locals: 'Neighbours' willingness to meet and consider with us matters of mutual concern has been one of the most positive aspects of the months of planning'.
The current hospital is going to remain open throughout the construction work.
Ms Estop said: 'We realise that our planning must be scrupulous in every details to protect patients and staff from any likely disruption from the construction process.
'At the same time we need to be aware that our neighbours live here and deserve the same consideration.
'We have a school across the road, and residents close by who should be as protected as possible from intrusion.
'Great care will be taken to minimise the impact of construction as far as possible.'
Work is likely to begin in August 2013.