Cambridge: Norovirus At Addenbrooke's
15 March 2013, 15:35 | Updated: 15 March 2013, 15:42
Visiting times are being restricted at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge following an outbreak of Norovirus.
Two wards (C5 and the planned short stay unit) are currently closed following the outbreak.
No visitors are being allowed on these wards unless 'on compassionate grounds and by prior arrangement', according to the hospital.
Visitors to adult wards are only being allowed on the wards between 3pm-5pm and 7pm-8pm, with only two adult visitors per patient allowed at any one time.
A restriction on children under 12 visiting wards, apart from exceptional circumstances, is also in place.
Deputy Chief Nurse Sharon McNally said: "We are seeing a rise in cases of norovirus, the bug which causes diarrhoea and vomiting.
Norovirus spreads very easily so we need to act quickly to try and contain it.
We hope people understand that the reason we put these restrictions in place is to help protect our patients by stopping the spread of this virus.
Our measures have been working well and this is the first time wards have been closed this winter.
We are grateful for the continued support from the public and the media."
If you are planning a visit, the hospital is advising you call 01223 245151 to check if a ward is affected.
Sharon added: "The best treatment for the virus is to rest at home and drink plenty of fluids.
In otherwise healthy people, it normally clears up after around 48 hours, but if you are concerned or you have other health problems, speak to your GP or NHS Direct or go online."