Cambridge: Rosie Maternity Care Unit
26 September 2012, 11:11 | Updated: 26 September 2012, 14:23
A new intensive care unit at the Rosie Maternity Hospital in Cambridge has officially opened.
The expanded neonatal intensive care unit facilities are on the Addenbrooke's Hospital site.
They form part of a multi-million pound refurbishment of the Rosie Maternity Hospital.
The refurbishment has been completed due to the increasing number of women giving birth in Cambridge.
The intensive care unit has been designed to care for babies who need specialist care just after being born.
It will be the main neo natal unit for the Eastern region, and will be the largest in the country with 58 cots when it is fully operational in 2020.
In a statement, the NHS trust that runs the Rosie Maternity Hospital said: "The new unit gives parents more privacy and staff a better working environment.
There is separate overnight en-suite accommodation, managed by the Sick Children's Trust, to allow parents to stay close to their baby."