Cambridge: Cancer Message From Footballers
29 April 2013, 06:00 | Updated: 29 April 2013, 11:39
Two men from Cambridge, one who's survived testicular cancer, want more men to face up to the problem of the disease, and are travelling 850 miles to get the message across.
Adam Tann and his friend Daniel Huggins, who both played for Cambridge United, will attempt to cycle to every Premier League football club in the last 7 days of the season.
The pair didn't even have bikes before they decided to take on the challenge - and now they're in their last stages of preparing to cycle across England and Wales to visit every English Premier League football ground in the last week of the season.
Adam himself survived from having testicular cancer but fears many men in this country don't do anything to check they're okay - and when they do - if they find something they worry or suffer in silence, instead of going for help asap.
Adam told Heart: "Understand it's not a weakness to ask questions or to worry about it.
Cancer has to be fought head-on.
Men tend to deal with the situation by himself rather than talk about it and get help.
Cancer is still a taboo subject.
It shouldn't be."
The pair will set off from their old ground at Norwich United on the 12th of May - and told Heart: "We have set ourselves a target of raising £10,000 for various cancer charities, with the main beneficiary being Orchid Cancer.
Our main challenge in achieving this target is to cycle to all 20 premiership football clubs within the last 7 days of the season.
The challenge will begin on the 12th of May at Norwich City Football Club and finish at Newcastle Utd on the 19th, covering a total of approx.
850 miles we are planning to do this unsupported, with no back-up team, and collect signed premiership football shirts from each club, which will be auctioned off at a later date for charity.
We believe this would be a huge challenge even for the most experienced cyclist, let alone two individuals who didn't even own a bike prior to deciding to take on the challenge.
Overall, we feel the challenge will push us to our personal limits and highlight the importance of cancer research in equal measures."