Cambridgeshire: Christmas Campaign Against Drink-Driving Starts

2 December 2013, 06:09 | Updated: 2 December 2013, 10:22

Cambridgeshire Police are sending out extra traffic officers to carry out more breath tests throughout December, as the force's Christmas drink drive focus starts.

Drivers are being warned to think of the consequences of driving under the influence over the Christmas period.

The campaign, which runs until January 1, will see stop checks across the county to breath test drivers and carry out roadside tests to check whether drivers are under the influence of drugs.

Traffic officers will be out in force to clamp down on anyone caught over the limit.

Inspector Mark Rogers said: "Our message is clear, if you drive under the influence of drink and drugs, expect to be caught, it is reckless and irresponsible.

We tackle drink driving all year round, but over the next month drivers should expect a highly visible police presence on the county's roads as we target those who drive under the influence.
People can get involved in our campaign by supplying police with information about drink and drug drivers via the confidential hotline."
The confidential number 0800 032 0845, is available 24/7, it allows people to report drivers without having to leave their details.

Last year saw the number of people caught driving under the influence of drink and drugs reduced, with 125 people arrested compared to 127 arrests the previous year.

Clair George, Senior Road Safety Officer, from the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Road Safety Partnership, added: "We urge drivers to consider not just their own safety this Christmas but also the safety of other road users.

Our message is simple - drive safely and responsibly without being under the influence of alcohol, otherwise you could ruin your own life and the lives of others.

Drivers are also reminded they may still be affected by alcohol the day after drinking, despite feeling fit to drive.

It is impossible to get rid of alcohol any faster. 

Taking a shower, drinking coffee or other ideas about 'sobering up' will not help.

It takes time for the body to process alcohol."