Cambridge: Operation For Safer Cycling
6 November 2013, 12:57 | Updated: 6 November 2013, 13:17
Volunteer police officers are continuing to tackle anti-social cycling on the streets of Cambridge as part of Operation Pedalo.
Following the success of the operation in February, Specials will be patrolling hot spot areas to reduce cycle crime, and target lighting and pavement offences.
Operation Pedalo aims to educate people and enforce anti-social cycling and cycling offences to make Cambridge safer for all road users. The aim is to reduce road deaths and casualties amongst cyclists, and reduce cycle crime and anti-social cycling in the city.
Areas such as Market Street, Sidney Street, Downing Street, Regent Street, Drummer Street, St Andrew's Street, Arbury Road, Milton Road, Mill Road, Silver Street, Fitzroy Street, Burleigh Street, Hills Road and Elizabeth Way Bridge will be targeted.
Specials will be patrolling at traffic light junctions looking out for those who commit red-light offences.
The LIT (Lights Instead of Tickets) scheme will be in action, which gives those caught riding without lights seven days to buy new lights to avoid paying the fine.
Special Superintendent John Haslop said: "This is another chance to educate cyclists and enforce the law.
"There is a lot of dangerous cycling within Cambridge and we have heard frustration from local residents at neighbourhood meetings where anti-social cycling has been named as a priority.
"We want to tackle this problem and reduce the number of collisions and more than 15 Specials will be working on this operation."