Heart Breakfast's Mr Unromantic


After searching far and wide, they have finally found their most unromantic man...

And Here He Is.

Name: Russel

Age: 35

From: Newmarket

Job: Scaffolder

Unromantic actions:

  • Only buys presents for his other half 'cause she needs them'
  • Has to get his mum to reminder him of his partner's birthday
  • Wont take his partner out for dinner because he prefers her cooking.

The Plan

Kev and Ros have just over a week to turn Russel from a 'Loser To Schmoozer'.

Teaching him everything including how to cook.

Tune in to Heart Breakfast everyday to find out how Russel is getting on.


Kev and Ros wanted to address some of Russel's behaviours, and so to re-condition him, they introduced Russel and girlfriend Corrine to behavioural expert Tamsin.

Well to be honest she is a Dog Behavioural Specialist from Norman’s Dog Day Care.

Tamsin joined them to help them with positive re-enforcement.

Mr Unromantic


Russel was tasked with paying more attention to his partner Corrine, and to test his skills, so they played Mr & Mrs, hers what happened.

Mr & Mrs


Did It Work?

Russel and Corrine came into the studio to see if Russel really had taken on the lessons of Kev & Ros' "Man Boot Camp" and become Mr Romantic.

After several tests - including poetry and even saying "I love you" - we asked what Russel had planned for valentines night, and after hearing his plans, Kev and Ros were proud to announce that Russel is now Heart Breakfast's most romantic man!
