Boosting Confidence in Breast Cancer Survivors

28 January 2014, 13:02 | Updated: 28 January 2014, 13:08

The Royal Cornwall Hospital is the first NHS hospital to use the Vectra Scanner, which takes pictures of women in 3D.

Women recovering from breast cancer in Cornwall, are among the first in the country to be able to see the way they'll look after surgery.

The Vectra scanner has been bought through donations to the hospital. The un-invasive procedure involves patients standing in front of a camera, which takes a three dimensional picture of their body.

The picture can then be altered on a computer screen, showing the women what they'll look like after they've had reconstructive surgery, following mastectomy or lumpectomy operations.

The machine takes detailed pictures and measurements, allowing surgeons to determine exactly where implants need to be to achieve the best possible results.

In some cases it's been several years since the original surgery, and the breast reconstruction will be the last step in the recovery process.

Women say it's already helping to boost their confidence, as they can see what they'll look like in the future.


3D Vectra Scanner at Royal Cornwall Hospital