Demand For Foster Carers Increases

There are 250 foster carers currently in Cornwall but across the whole South West another 600 are still needed.

Heart's been speaking to some of those already in the foster system.

Kath who lives in Newquay has been fostering for 41 years and in that time has cared for 358 children.

She says fostering makes you feel as rich as a millionaire LISTEN HERE

But with around 4 thousand children already in care here in the South West - demand for more foster carers is bigger than ever ...

Steve and Lyn also live in Newquay and have fostered for several years - they currently look after a 14 month old baby boy, who they've looked after since he was just hours old LISTEN HERE

With around 355 children in care in Cornwall at the moment, the most important caveat to what makes a great foster parent is being able to offer a loving, stable home

Often many children put into care feel it's their fault but before long their lives start to turn around

Shannon's just 15 and joined her foster family 9 months ago - she's lost an astounding 10 stone since then, after weighing in at 24 stone

Speaking to me she says it's been down to a complete lifestyle change and being fostered has helped her achieve her goal LISTEN HERE

A drop in information evening is taking place on Thursday 23rd May, 6pm-8pm at New County Hall for anyone interested in fostering. Anyone can drop by to talk about fostering.