Taclo troseddau alcohol

"Mae Heddlu Gogledd Cymru, mewn partneriaeth â'r chwe awdurdod lleol a'r Partneriaethau Diogelwch Cymunedol ar draws y gogledd, yn cydweithio er mwyn taclo'r materion sy'n bwysig i'n cymunedau."

Dyma' neges cyn ymgyrch bythefnos sy'n cael ei lansio heddiw (dydd Iau, y 1af o Orffennaf) er mwyn taclo Troseddau sy'n ymwneud ag Alcohol.

Yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth â'r awdurdodau lleol – Cyngor Môn, Cyngor Gwynedd, Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwy, Cyngor Sir Ddinbych, Cyngor Sir y Fflint a Chyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Wrecsam, bydd Heddlu Gogledd Cymru yn gweithredu gweithgareddau addysgiadol a gorfodol.

Bydd y gweithgareddau yn cynnwys gweithrediadau profion prynu alcohol mewn eiddo trwyddedig ar draws ardal yr heddlu ynghyd â chynnal patrolau ardaloedd a targedu'r rhai sy'n ymwneud â throseddau cysylltiedig ag alcohol.

Meddai'r Uwch Arolygydd Dros Dro, Jeremy Vaughan, Pennaeth Hyder a Diogelwch Cymunedol Heddlu Gogledd Cymru: "Rydym yn credu mai trwy weithio gyda'n gilydd i daclo materion sydd o bwys i'n cymunedau y gallwn gael effaith bositif.

"Tra bydd pwyslais ar weithgareddau gorfodaeth yr heddlu, hoffwn bwysleisio fod y chwe cyngor a'r Partneriaethau Diogelwch Cymunedol yn rhan o'r gwaith.

"Mae gan bob cymuned yng Ngogledd Cymru ran i'w chwarae drwy gefnogi ein hymdrechion, yn enwedig drwy basio gwybodaeth ymlaen am faterion megis yfed dan oed a dweud wrthym lle mae pobl yn dod at ei gilydd i yfed mewn mannau cyhoeddus.

Ychwanegodd: "Er bod yr ymgyrch hwn yn parhau am bythefnos, hoffem bwysleisio fod yr heddlu a'u partneriaid wedi eu hymrwymo i daclo'r broblem yma drwy gydol y flwyddyn. Gallwn sicrhau'r cyhoedd yng Ngogledd Cymru ein bod yn gwneud popeth o fewn ein gallu i wneud Gogledd Cymru yn lle mwy diogel i weithio ynddo, i fyw ynddo ac i ymweld ag ef."

Mae eich Tîm Plismona Cymunedol yn gweithio gyda'ch Partneriaeth Diogelwch Cymunedol i wneud eich ardal yn lle mwy diogel. Os oes gennych unrhyw bryderon neu os hoffech gysylltu ag aelod o'r tîm, ffoniwch 101. Gallwch hefyd gael manylion cyswllt eich RhRhG a SCCH ar wefan yr heddlu –



"North Wales Police, in partnership with all six local authorities and Community Safety Partnerships across North Wales, are working together to tackle the issues that matter to our communities."

That is the message ahead of a two-week campaign, which is being launched today (Thursday, July 1st) to tackle Alcohol-Related Crime.

Working together with all local authorities – Anglesey Council, Gwynedd Council, Conwy County Borough Council, Denbighshire County Council, Flintshire County Council and Wrexham County Borough Council, and Community Safety Partnerships, North Wales Police will be carrying both educational and enforcement activities.

The activities will include conducting test purchasing operations at licensed premises across the force area as well as patrolling hot spot areas targeting those who are involved with alcohol-related crime.

T/Superintendent Jeremy Vaughan, Head of Confidence and Community Safety said: "We believe that by working together to tackle the issues that matter to our communities we can have a positive effect.

"While there will be an emphasis upon police-led enforcement activities, I wish to stress that all six local authorities and Community Safety Partnerships will be involved.

"All communities throughout North Wales also have a role to play in supporting our joint activities and in particular passing on information about such issues as underage sales and where young people are gathering and drinking in public places.

He added: "Although this campaign will run for two weeks, we would like to emphasise that throughout the year, police and partners are committed to tackling alcohol-related crime. The public of North Wales can be assured that we are doing everything we can to make North Wales an even safer place to work, live and visit."

Your Neighbourhood Policing Team is working with your local Community Safety Partnership and local council to make the area in which you live an even safer place. If you have any concerns or if you would like to speak to contact a member of your team, please dial 101. Alternatively, contact details for individual CBMs and PCSOs are available via the Force website – www.north-wales.police.uk.