Dorset: Kill Cord Warning After Man Falls Out Of Speedboat
10 August 2014, 09:12 | Updated: 10 August 2014, 09:14
A man has escaped injury after he fell from his speedboat near Swanage which carried on circling around him out of control.
The man - who had been supervising a group people on pedaloes - plunged from the boat while attempting to help a child being blown out to sea on a kayak at Swanage, Dorset yesterday.
Portland Coastguard said several people on other boats went to the aid of the man including one who was able to get control of the boat and help him back on board.
The Coastguard said the incident highlighted the importance of wearing a safety kill cord when piloting a motorboat.
Watch manager Cindy Rodaway said:
"We are very relieved that everyone is safe and well and that there are no injuries resulting from this incident.
"This incident highlights the importance of wearing a kill cord whilst in charge of a motorboat.
"The kill cord, is designed to kill your engine in the event of you going overboard.
"All owners and drivers of open powerboats, personal watercraft and RIBs should ensure that if their boat is fitted with a kill switch and kill cord, it is correctly used.
"On a powerboat the kill cord should be attached securely around the thigh and on a personal watercraft it should be attached to the buoyancy aid.''
Last year BSkyB executive Nick Milligan, 51, and his eight-year-old daughter Emily were killed when they were thrown out of their speedboat and struck by the out of control craft.
Mr Milligan's wife Victoria lost a leg and their son Kit was severely injured in the incident off Padstow, Cornwall.
A report concluded that if a safety kill cord had been worn the engine would have cut out when they were thrown overboard.