Midwives Struggle With South Coast Baby Boom
30 September 2010, 12:38
A hospital on the South Coast's taking on more midwives after a 5% rise in the number of babies being born..
Poole Hospital's admitted it needs more maternity staff – currently around 37.5 mum’s give birth there every year.
Helen Williams, Interim head of midwifery has admitted: “Our midwife to women ratio is higher than we’d like it to be.”
It’s been confirmed to Heart that improvements are already under way to the service, with more recruitment and a major restructuring of staff to try and free up midwives so they can spend more time with mums and babies.
The hospital’s also spending £750,000 on improving equipment operating theatres.
Earlier this week Heart revealed how midwives at birthing units in Gosport and Petersfield have moved to the QA Hospital in Portsmouth for a few months, also due to a rise in the birth rate.