Quit Smoking In 2012
Getting fit, losing weight, learning a new language.
There are many things people promise to do as the calendar turns from December to January. However if there is one New Year's resolution that will almost certainly have a really positive impact on your life it's giving up smoking.
There are many reasons to give up:
" Smoking is the single biggest cause of preventable illness and death in the UK including many cancers (lung, mouth, bladder and pancreas), heart disease and lung diseases such as emphysema and bronchitis.
" Smoking causes over 1200 premature deaths a year across Dorset, Bournemouth and Poole alone. Nationally smoking is responsible for one in five deaths.
" It isn't just yourself you are doing damage to. Smoking can harm friends and family through second hand smoke. Despite this, a recent survey shows that more than one-in-five (22%) adults still allow smoking inside their home.
" Giving up smoking could be a good way to save money. Based on current prices, it has been estimated that a smoker who has 20 cigarettes a day will spend nearly £2500 a year on cigarettes, that's double the average council tax bill in England.
For those people who want to give up, help is available through the local NHS. All services are run by staff who are specially trained in helping people quit smoking. What's more, research has shown that people who attempt to give up using help from the NHS are four times more likely to successfully do so.
Dr Chaam Klinger of NHS Dorset's Public Health team said "Giving up smoking is the best thing you can do to improve your health. It will also benefit your loved ones because they will not be exposed to the dangers of 'second hand' smoke. We are lucky in Dorset that we have a lower smoking prevalence than most other areas of Britain, however there are still too many people dying each year as a result of the habit"
For further information in Dorset please ring free on 0800 0076653 or visit the SmokeStop website www.dorsetsmokestop.co.uk. If you live in Bournemouth and Poole please call 0300 30 38 038.