Firebreak Scheme 'Turned My Life Around'

27 April 2010, 06:00

Craig Warren from Basildon got mixed up with drugs as a teenager and found himself in trouble with the police.

Now aged 20, with a girlfriend and stepdaughter, he's looking to become a firefighter after taking part in the course run by Essex Fire and Rescue, to teach youngsters about fire safety and help steer them away from a life in crime.

Craig's been talking to Heart: "From the age of about 13 to 15, family life at home weren't too good, I was out doing drugs, drinking all the time and causing a nuisance basically.

"I then met Martin Trevillion, from the Firebreak scheme and it's turned my whole life around really.

"You learn loads of different things about working in the fire service and I just loved every minute, I'd advise anyone else to do it."

Of 180 young people who've taken part in the scheme, nine out of ten young offenders haven't re-offended. The course also hopes to recruit some into the fire service.