Martin And Su's Junior Reporters
Heart Breakfast's looking for young listeners to report on Essex's family holiday attractions - and report back on the show!
Across the long summer holidays, Martin and Su will be selecting junior reporters to explore Essex and report back on their experience.
We'll sort you out with a free family pass for the chosen attraction, you get to spend a fun-filled day at that attraction before joining Martin and Su in the Heart studios where you will record your mini report for Heart Breakfast.
Sounds like fun? Fill in the form below for our first Junior Reporter assignment - Paradise Wildlife Park at Broxbourne.
This week, we've arranged for our Junior Reporter and their family to enjoy a Monkey Tea - admission to the park, a special tour of the Monkeys as part of the EAZA Great Ape Campaign followed by afternoon tea.
Sound like fun? Enter your details below and we could be sending you on assignment!