Su's Handbag Swab Results
Take a look here at the results from the swab tests on Su's bag.
1. Su's Handbag Swab Results
Nothing less that we expected from a handbag that has never been cleaned...
2. Su's Handbag Swab Results
...even inside the zipped pocked plenty of bacteria was found.
3. Su's Handbag Swab Results
Well the handles of Su's handbag were surprisingly clean!
4. Su's Handbag Swab Results
Considering the amount of time her phone is in her filthy bag, these results are pretty good.
5. Su's Handbag Swab Results
A few spots of bacteria, but we suppose that's what a case is for!
6. Su's Handbag Swab Results
Hand cream... Hand CLEAN. Not much bacteria here.
7. Su's Handbag Swab Results
Her car key wasn't as dirty as expected...
8. Su's Handbag Swab Results
...but we also tested some coins from Su's purse... and yes, traces of poo were found! #Yuck