Crime in St Albans

2 March 2011, 06:00 | Updated: 8 March 2011, 12:17

People in St Albans are being asked which types of crime are causing them the biggest problems.

The town's Community Safety Partnership wants residents to fill out a questionnaire, so they know where resources should be targeted.

Click here to complete the questionnaire.

Councillor Chris Oxhey - who's in charge of Community Engagement and Support in St Albans - told Heart:

"There might be drug issues, that they know there are drug dealers in a particular area. There might be drink problems. There might be anti-social behaviour. There might simply be bad parking."

"There's no point in sending policeman wandering round looking at one particular issue, if what is really bugging the public is a totally different one. So it's focusing the resources on the areas that are the greatest concern to the public."

Between April 2010 and December 2010 crime in St Albans fell by 13.1% compared to the same period the year before. That means there were 821 fewer crimes in the district.

The Community Safety Partnership says it's keen to keep reducing crime and therefore hopes people will comment on the following issues:

  • Reducing, preventing and detecting crimes like burglary, theft from people and theft of and from cars
  • Reducing and preventing drug dealing and possession
  • Preventing and reducing anti-social behaviour
  • Managing offenders more effectively through partnership working
  • Providing reassurance and information about the work of the partnership and actively work with local communities.

St Albans Chief Inspector Richard Hann said:

"This is your opportunity to help influence the Community Safety Strategy for 2011/2012. It is only by working with the partnership that we are able to make a real difference to people's lives - and this is where you can help - by letting us know what is more important to you. We want to make sure St Albans continues to be an enjoyable place to live, work and have fun."

You've got until Friday 18th March 2011 to answer the questionnaire.