Don't Fall For A Doorstep Conman

10 December 2012, 16:00

Hertfordshire Police are warning that burglars are trying to con vulnerable people to gain access to their homes.

Excuses used include- they're investigating a frozen or leaking pipe, reading, claiming to be a police officer investigating a crime or even that they're looking for a lost pet.

They say elderly people are particularly at risk and should be aware of these tricks and not to open the door to unexpected callers this winter.  

Detective Chief Inspector Liz Hanlon, from Operation Manhunt said: 

“As the weather gets colder these criminals will tend to use the ‘frozen or burst water pipes’ method to get into a home to steal.

“We know that if you open the door and give these criminals the opportunity to talk to you, they will convince you to let them in. We advise people not to open their door if they are not expecting anyone.  If you don’t open the door in the first place, you will not be persuaded into letting them in.

“Look through the window to see who is at your door and if you don’t recognise them and aren’t expecting anyone then don’t open the door. If you are worried or feel intimidated by the caller then dial 999 immediately.

“I would urge people to identify their relatives, friends and neighbours who may be vulnerable to this crime and pass on this vital safety advice.”

Police are investigating an incident of fraud by false representation in Watford and have released CCTV footage from within the victim’s home. 

You can see this video below- it shows the man in his late 70's answering the door to a man who claimed to have carried out building work on the resident’s property and asked to be paid for it. 

Luckily, the man didn't fall for the story and refused.