Drivers Told - Dodge The Potholes For Now
5 April 2013, 06:00
Drivers have been told they'll have to continue to dodge pot-holes along some of the region's biggest trunk-roads for weeks to come - as the Highways Agency (HA) have told Heart - they're yet to work out their budget and repairs plan for the year ahead.
The HA say their finalised budget and roads repairs plan won't be finalised for several weeks and can't say at this stage - when repairs to some of the regions biggest routes, like the A1 and A41 will get underway.
Some of the worst driving conditions have been reported on the A41 near Watford.
But local authorities - responsible for smaller routes like country and town centre streets say they have begun their repairs to pot-holes - with some, like Hertfordshire County Council's Highways Department - starting their Winter Recovery Programme (patching works) across 22 schemes in January.
Vince Gilbert head of Highways in Hertfordshire they've had an especially harsh winter which as badly affected local roads: "At it's peak, we were getting up to 2000 defects appearing each week - about three times the normal number of defects.
So now, we're getting the roads in as good as condition as we can manage before we get into next winter - that's our long term maintenance goal."
Since January, the Herts CC Highways Dept. has been carrying out it's "Winter Recovery Programme" (patching repair works) - and we're nearing the end of 22 schemes across Hertfordshire.
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