Model Video Blogs Battle With Cancer

16 June 2011, 06:00 | Updated: 17 June 2011, 12:01

A model who's just started chemotherapy for breast cancer hopes that video blogging her experience will raise awareness of the disease.

Katie Huttlestone, who lives in Ware, Hertfordshire, was diagnosed just after her 21st birthday in May 2011 after discovering a large lump. She’s been told the cancer is most likely to be grade three which is the most aggressive form and is least likely to respond to treatment.

Katie’s been telling Heart what is was like when she first received the diagnoses:

“I was diagnosed on the 4th May this year and to be honest it was a complete feeling of disbelief. I just felt like I was dreaming and that it would come to pass but obviously I soon realised the full realisation of everything.”

“I’ve just had the first week post-chemo and that week I generally felt quite good. I haven’t had any significant nausea. I’m now feeling slightly down, as if you’ve got a bit of a cold, but not too bad yet.”

The model hopes that her online video diary will help others who are going through the same thing:

“Social networking is so powerful nowadays and for such a significant thing to happen in my life I felt like it would be a wasted opportunity to not record it in some fashion and to let others to gain knowledge and help with what I’m going through.

“I’ve had a lot of feedback, 100% percent positive from people who maybe themselves are diagnosed or have someone in the family who is affected with this.

“They have just thanked me and said how much it has helped them and inspired them and has been educational.”

In the first video Katie explains the months of tests she had to take after discovering a lump. In the second instalment she talks her treatment plans, which includes chemotherapy and about what it’s like to face the possibility of having a mastectomy and the chance of infertility.

The most recent video, posted 7 days ago, Katie has returned from having her first dose of chemotherapy.