Olympics Legacy Comes To Watford

8 February 2012, 16:35

Work's begun on an Olympic Play Area in Garston that's the first of it's kind in the country.

The Sports Legacy Zone will have 23 pieces of equipment that are free to use and a Fitness Trail which runs the length of Meriden Park.

Each piece of equipment will have technology so people with smartphones can access virtual training from former Olympians Sprinter Roger Black MBE or Javelin Thrower Steve Backley OBE.

It's hoped it will encourage young adults to get more active. 

Speaking about the project Roger Black said: 'One of the main aims of London 2012 is to create a lasting legacy of participation in sport and exercise. Our local parks are the logical place to start, as they are the one free resource to which we all have access.

'However, there's a real need to not only invest in these facilities, but also show people how they can get the most out of what's available to them. We also need to find new ways to get the message across to teenagers, so using new technology and into social networks was something we are very keen to do.'

The project is set to be finished in April.