Parents To Apply For 2013 School Places

5 September 2012, 11:45 | Updated: 5 September 2012, 12:06

The school year might have only just started but parents in Hertfordshire are already being urged to think about what school they want their child to go to next year.

Hertfordshire County Council started accepting applications for secondary school places in 2013 this week and parents have until 31st October to get them in.

Following a consultation earlier this year, parents can now apply for up to four schools instead of three. The council's cabinet member for education and skills Councillor Frances Button said "If parents have a clear fourth preference then we want to give them the opportunity to express that because we want to match as many children to a school they want to go to as possible."

She also has this advice for any parents going through the process "Make sure you go and have a look at the schools. It's really interesting, going onsite, having a look around, getting a feel for the place, it can change or develop your perception of a school. Have a good look at the home to school transport arrangements that would suit your child because getting them to school on time, conveniently, is really important to many families. Do take the time to go to the school open days, talk to your child's headteacher and get the form in on time "

For information and advice go to

The application process for primary, junior and middle school places opens on November 12 and the closing date is January 15th.

For nursery schools and classes, parents will be able to apply in mid-February 2013.