Pregnant Women Urged To Have The Flu Jab

21 November 2012, 17:25 | Updated: 21 November 2012, 18:05

A consultant midwife at Watford General Hospital says she wants more pregnant women to get a flu jab this winter.

Flu jabs are free for pregnant woman and for those living in Hertfordshire the injection is available at Hospitals as well as GP surgeries.

Nora Lucey told Heart getting flu while pregnant can have serious consequences:

"Ordinarily somebody might get flu and require hot water bottle, hot drinks and paracetamol but this flu bug that is prevalent in the winter can actually render women into hospital being that sick with breathing problems and once they've got it, it develops quite quickly and they become acutely ill, ill enough to be admitted." 

Last year two expectant mothers were admitted to Watford General with flu.