Watford Park Improvements

Watford Borough Council are holding a series of open evenings for improvements to three of Watford's popular parks, where local people and park users can come along, view the plans and give their thoughts on the proposals.

The council has allocated £1.5 million of funding to restore Oxhey Park, Callowland Recreation Ground and King George V Playing Fields. There will also be work done at Waterfield Recreation Ground and some small environmental improvements at North Watford Cemetery and Vicarage Road Cemetery.

At the beginning of the year, substantial funding was allocated to improve parks and play areas across the town. Major new play areas are completed or are nearing completion at Knutsford Playing Fields, Waterfields Recreation Ground and North Watford Playing Fields.

Elected Mayor Dorothy Thornhill says, "We are continuing to improve all our parks as people tell me they really value and appreciate them. I am delighted we can continue to make improvements across the town and hope that everyone will use the consultation to have their say!"

The improvement plans were drawn up following surveys, and once the plans are finalised, tenders will be sought for works to start on site in the new year, after the contractor has been selected.

The opening evening dates are:

Callowland Recreation Ground - Bowls Club at the Recreation Ground, off Ashby Road ? Wednesday 13 June, 6.30 to 8.30pm

Oxhey Park - St Matthews Church Hall, Eastbury Road, Oxhey ? Thursday 14 June, 6.30 to 8.30pm

King George V Playing Fields - Holywell Pavillion (opposite Community Centre), Tolpits Lane - Thursday 21 June, 6.30 to 8.30pm

For further information, please contact Parks and Open Spaces on 01923 278333. Plans are also on the Watford Council website at www.watford.gov.uk/parkconsultation with a questionnaire to fill in and send back.