Woman Has Bag Taken

4 March 2011, 10:41 | Updated: 9 March 2011, 17:26

Police are appealing for witnesses and information after a handbag was stolen from the roof of a car parked in Boundary Way, Watford on Tuesday, March 1.

The incident took place at approximately 1pm when a woman parked her red Vauxhall Astra in a parking bay on the street. As she got out of the car, she left the bag on the roof of the vehicle by mistake while she briefly went into a house on the street. When she returned to her car a few moments later, her bag was missing.

Her bag is described as brown leather with a cream and brown fur trim at the top. As well as a red leather purse, some cash and a passport, the woman had a Sat-Nav and a digital Cassio camera, containing pictures of her children, stolen.

Investigating officer PC Louise Hendry, said: “I am appealing for anyone who was in the area at the time of the incident and saw the bag being removed from the car to get in contact. I’d also be interested to speak to anyone from the area who may have been offered a Cassio camera or a Sat Nav for sale."

She added: “The victim is very upset as a result of this incident, particularly as she has lost sentimental photographs of her children with the camera being stolen. I am therefore appealing to the better nature of the person who stole these items to at least hand the camera into your nearest police station, if not the whole bag and its contents.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact PC Hendry on the police non-emergency number 0845 33 00 222 citing crime reference number C2/11/530. Alternatively call Crimestoppers, an independent charity, anonymously on 0800 555111.