Daniel's Blog: Buff For The Beach

Week 3

See all the pictures here.

Exercise always used to be for the smug.  

Just for a minute: think back a few years. Before '5 a day' and Mr Motivator came long - gyms were for two types of people.  Those whose biceps were bigger than their children, and professionals who were looking for anything to do other than spend time in mutual resentment at home with the other half.

Fortunately, things have changed. As I don't fit into either of those categories. And boy - Things have REALLY changed!  

Having begun my journey to lose a stone and a half in six weeks, I came to the conclusion that joining a gym would be a good idea. This brought its own concerns: but fortunately it's no longer all about the meat-heads and the bloke who doesn't like his children. Now: it's all about smoothies and CLASSES.  

What a discovery exercise classes are. Not only do you not have to suffer the embarrassment of passing out on the cross trainer, but you get an understanding smile from the ladies who also know what it's like to have a belly that never used to be there. You get mutual support from those experiencing the same misery, and you enjoy comradeship with those who also know the wonderful feeling only experienced at the end of circuit training.

This week, I sampled "BodyPump".  It's quite hard to explain, but seeing as leaving it to your imagination won't really work, I'll attempt nonetheless.  It's an aerobic type workout set to music that involves you carrying a barbell and weights at all times. I was particularly excited by the prospect of getting toned - AND looking macho in front of the rest of the class. Who were ALL ladies. My eagerness soon wore off, as within 45 minutes I couldn't stand up.

Things got progressively worse over the next three days, with me being forced to ask for assistance in getting out of the bath, and walking down the stairs.  I have NEVER been so sore!!  

But here's a weird thing. Here's a thing I thought I'd never say.  I pushed myself, it was miserable, it was unglamorous, and yet I'm going again next week.

Next week - even mores Zumba!!  Dad Dancing to Latino music?  YES PLEASE!


As you’ve heard by now, I have been set a rather difficult challenge.  I have just six weeks to lose a stone and a half!

That’s 42 days to lose 21 pounds! That’s a pound every two days, a baby every fortnight or a family pack of Coca Cola every three and a half weeks. WOW!

However, I’m absolutely determined to get Buff For The Beach.  Having conducted extensive research (asking the girls in the office and the nice lady at the petrol station) it seems no girl wants to see "man boobs" on holiday.  Deep down I knew this, having seen these sight with my own eyes just four weeks ago.  I needed to be told.

I’m the kind of guy who likes to do things properly.  If we’re going camping – we take the mattress and the luxury duvet set with the duck feather pillows and Laura Ashley bedding.  If we’re having Sunday roast, we have six vegetables.  If I’m losing weight, I’m hiring a personal trainer!

Meet Grace:

Daniel Fox from Heart Breakfast tries to lose over

Over the next six weeks, Grace is going to beat me into shape.  I’ve agreed (against my better judgement) to chuck the chocolate, skip the sugar, and exercise hard for thirty minutes every day.  After all, if you’re going to lose the equivalent weight of three albatrosses, you need to get sweaty.

Please check back regularly for updates of the classes I’ve been to, and PLEASE...give me your support!  Not just verbally – but physically.  I’d love to come to a fitness class with you!

See all the pictures here.