More on John Darin

You can hear John weekday afternoons from 4pm, but what's the man behind the mic really like? We caught up with him to find out!

Star sign?

Do you reckon you’re tall or short?

Tall at 6 foot.

What’s the first album you bought, and why that one?
Fleetwood Mac – Rumours – Great album, my favourite!

What’s your favourite holiday destination and why?
Port Douglas – Australia, because the great barrier reef is simply amazing.

Any holiday anecdotes?
An unfortunate experience after some hot food in Turkey.

What’s your favourite tipple?
A cup of tea or Horlicks, I don't really drink as a rule!

And your favourite place to drink it?
At home!

Prefer a take away or eating out?
Take away Curry with some good TV

What’s your favourite restaurant?

The Glasshouse at The Grove and Lussman's in St Albans.

Favourite Food?

Any Curry (with plenty of chillies)

Like sport or are you a couch potato?
Sport, Football, Rugby, Cricket, Basketball and F1.

Any party tricks?
72 maltesers in the mouth at one time, I can tell you’re impressed.

Early mornings or late nights?
Both, my candle is burnt bad.

Who’s your celebrity crush?
Audrey Hepburn, Julia Roberts and Scarlet Johansson

Who’d you most like to interview?
Dame Judi Dench without a doubt, Jerry Seinfeld and Dave Grohl.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?
Do what you believe to be right no matter how hard it is.

What’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told?
Can’t say here, it would get me into trouble.

If I wasn't me I'd like to be?
I like being me, so nobody.

What’s your life ambition?
Live for today, never regret anything, and continue making the most of everything.


What’s your mantra?
Never Judge a person on someone else’s opinion.

Who’s your idol or hero and why?
Humphrey Bogart, he’s a cool gentleman who looks good in a white tux.

What's your 1st childhood memory?
Bed leg going through the floor when I was 3.

Who’d be your top five dinner party guests (dead or alive)?
John Lennon, Winston Churchill, Steve Jobs, Humphrey Bogart and Audrey Hepburn.

Favourite TV show?

Friends, House, NCIS and Vampire Diaries

Favourite Football Team?

It has to be my home team - Ipswich Town FC

What are you most scared of?
Losing the ones I love.

What’s your biggest achievement so far?
My children.

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Insta @John.DarinFM
