Bletchley Park Memorial

28 April 2011, 06:00

A memorial's being built to recognise the work of the Codebreakers at Bletchley Park during the Second World War.

Thousands of people who worked at the site in Buckinghamshire, helping to crack enemy messages, have been credited with shortening the war by up to two years. The work they did was kept completely secret until 1975 and many of the Codebreakers took their secret wartime experiences to the grave.

Bletchley Park veterans and their families have been consulted as part of the project to get the memorial off the ground and an overwhelming number of them have said they want it erected at Bletchley - which is where the Government Code and Cypher School was based during the war.

This is the most recent tribute for the Codebreakers and follows the creation of a Bletchley Park Commemorative badge in July 2009. 

The memorial has been commissioned by the Bletchley Park Trust and GCHQ, to provide a lasting tribute to the work that was done there. It will be designed and sculpted by the artist Charles Gurrey and dedicated later this year.