1624 People Caught Speeding In Our Region In A Week
29 April 2014, 17:04 | Updated: 29 April 2014, 17:05
Over 1,600 motorists were caught speeding in Norfolk and Suffolk during a week-long European enforcement campaign.
Officers from the joint Roads Policing Unit and vans from Suffolk SafeCam and the Norfolk Safety Camera Partnership were deployed across both counties to increase checks and enforcement during the campaign, led by TISPOL – the European Traffic Police Network.
Speeding is one of the ‘Fatal Four’ driving offences alongside drink driving, using a mobile phone and seatbelt offences. During the campaign, which ran between 14 and 20 April, officers aimed to highlight dangers of speeding and the consequences that driving above the limit can have through education and enforcement.
In total 1,624 motorists were caught speeding, 555 of which were caught by fixed cameras, and the remaining 1,069 were caught by police officers on patrol or mobile cameras.
Chief Inspector Chris Spinks said: "The TISPOL week of action is a good way to focus attention on speeding and the risks you take when you go over the limit. Simply put speeding makes you more likely to have a collision, which can cause damage, expense, injury or ultimately the loss of life.
"There is never an excuse to speed, and all of those stopped will have been spoken to about their driving behaviour. Some have received a Fixed Penalty Notice or if they were driving excessively over the limit, they will be considered for prosecution at court.
"It’s as much about educating drivers as it is enforcement, and those drivers who were only slightly over the speed limit, have a clean licence and have not received a fine in the last three years have been offered the chance to complete a speed awareness course instead of getting points. These courses prove very effective in making drivers conscious of their speed and they will also pass the message to other friends and relatives.
"However, some people continue to think speeding is acceptable and so we will carry on our work to make Norfolk and Suffolk’s roads safer.”
Motorists caught speeding will face a £100 fixed penalty notice and three points on their licence, or may have the option to complete a Speed Awareness course. Under certain circumstances drivers could be taken to court where they may face larger fines and disqualification from driving.