Public Asked To Vote Norfolk and Suffolk Road Schemes

20 June 2013, 06:00 | Updated: 20 June 2013, 18:17

The most important road improvement projects in the East have been compiled into one long list to try to decide which should get proposed government cash.

Around £39m of funding is expected to come directly from the government between 2015 and 2019 and the Norfolk and Suffolk Local Transport Body needs to choose how it is spent.

The Norfolk and Suffolk Local Transport Body is a new body comprising Norfolk and Suffolk County Councils and the New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership and is one of many that have been set up across the country to manage major transport scheme money. They will be responsible for deciding which schemes to spend this money on, for making sure this money is spent on value-for-money schemes and for managing the spending programmes, within the guidelines set by government

A ‘Long-List’ of schemes has now been published as a starting point to identify the transport projects to which the funding should be directed. Stakeholders, including local councils, business, environmental and transport organisations and MPs,  are now being invited to comment on the list and suggest any additional large transport schemes.
All schemes on the Long List, plus any suggested by stakeholders, will be formally assessed by the LTB. The LTB will then submit a prioritised spending programme to government by the end of July. Subject to approval by government, this prioritised list of schemes will comprise the major transport scheme spending programme across the two counties for 2015-19.
More information about the Norfolk and Suffolk Local Transport Body, together with the published Long List can be found at
Comments on the list  are welcome and should be sent to by midday on the closing date of 12 July 2013.