Protesters Enter Council Buildings

School children protesting against university fees and education cuts have entered council buildings in Oxford and Newbury.

In Newbury, around 60 protesters entered West Berkshire Council building around 16:30 on Tuesday afternoon.

In Oxford, Sixth formers from a number of schools marched through the city joined by members of Oxford Education Campaign and university students on Tuesday afternoon.

Some of the demonstrators then entered Oxfordshire County's headquarters, with one managing to get on the roof. The protesters told Heart they were planning to stay and have a sit in, but police asked them to move.

Shortly after Leader of Oxfordshire County Council Keith Mitchell tweeted:

'Just got occupied by badly dressed ugly rabble, God help us if they're our future'

Jim Cranshaw, one of the protestors told Heart:

"I suspect many of their parents would be concerned that the council leader is talking about their kids in such offensive terms. The students I saw were bright, optimistic, normal school students with a real grievance, and no way were they the 'awkward squad'."

Thames Valley released this statement:

"Shortly before 3pm, a number of protesters entered the county hall in Castle Street. When asked to leave they vacated the building. A small number of protesters also entered Lloyds TSB bank in Cornmarket but also left without causing major disruption.There was minimal disruption to the local community and no arrests were made.The protestors left the city centre at around 4.30pm."