Kev and Ros on Work Experience
As part of this year's Have Heart campaign we'll be putting Kev and Ros in workplaces around Cambridgeshire for a spot of Work Experience!
So as part of Have a Heart's 'Gain an Hour, Give an Hour'... How about we come and work for YOU for an hour!
We can't promise we’ll be any good, but it will be fun and we’ll do our best!
You will have to make a charitable donation! All monies going to our Have a Heart, Childline Appeal.
"And I'm a right diva, I don’t get out of bed for anyone unless there’s a big donation!" - Ros
We’ll do anything, muck out stables, serve at restaurants, pull pints, man a reception desk, bib items thru on the check out, milk cows, make popcorn, clean windows...
The more inventive the better!
You can either make a donation for the hour or we’ll do peace work and you can pay us a pound for each pint we pull, 50p for each person we seat at the cinema, (etc)
Simply text us on 82122 (starting your message with the word 'MUSIC') or send us your details below with what you would like us to do and how much you are willing be donating.