Lucy's Blog - Friday 19 October

Last night, the first ever Dorset Hall Of Fame awards took place in Bournemouth. JK & I hosted the event, and we had a brilliant time! We honoured those who well & truly put Dorset on the map. To see who the first 5 inductees are & to check out photos from the evening, head online to…

On todays show…

According to a new study, 80% of women prefer men with a SMOOTH CHEST! Personally I’m in the 20% who like a good hairy chest, it’s proper manly. At least I thought I did until JK made me stroke Aussie Nige’s chest rug. Aussie Nige Hairy chest

Check it out online at You can also add your thoughts to the hairy/smooth chest debate…here’s some of the pro-fuzz ones…

Hollie: Hairy chest. helps keep my boyfriend warm in winter lol.

Donna: Definately 100% hairy!!! Rough & ready feel........something to grab.......gently of course!! X

Rachel:Hair, hair HAIR! Love it, can't understand women who hate men with hair, it's manly and sexy!!!

David: I can feel a charity "pluck" coming on !!!

Also - We talked about the times when you’ve taken a massive stumble…so when did you last majorly stack it? I do it all the time…. From the time when I was 3 & rolled down an escalator (yes I did get stripy cuts on my face), to the time we were out in Southsea & I TOTALLY went flying. In front of lots of people. In the middle of the afternoon. As you do.

Finally – if you love the band Lawson, we’ve popped our interview with the lovely lads on our website, so if you get a chance, go & have a listen –

Have a top weekend,

Lucy xxx