Lucy's Blog Monday 12th November
Happy Monday! Well, we’re back after a week off on our hols. JK had a lovely, relaxing time in Barbados, and I…well…I wrote off my little car! And yes, I’m well aware that I only passed my test 3 WEEKS AGO! Poor little Christina Agila has gone to car heaven. Just as well she was a bit of a tank though, as I genuinely think that saved my life. It was utterly terrifying. Thankfully my mate Dave & I escaped virtually unscathed, impossible as it seemed at the time. Wet roads, kerbs & tyre blow outs don’t make the best mix, funnily enough.
So of course we just had to talk about my costly mistake this morning, and we asked you for yours…Kim’s wins based purely on the expense – ouch!
Kim – My Dad crashed into the gates of Motisfont Abbey which cost over £60,000 to repair, not to mention the car was a write off!
In other news…I now have a new car! My amazing Daddy came to the rescue & loaned me money to buy….Matilda the Mini!! She’s yellow, drives beautifully, and I love her a little bit. In fact. That’s a lie. I love her A LOT.
So – what did JK get up to on his week off? Well, he went off to Barbados for some Rum & relaxation with his girlfriend. He also managed to nearly get married whilst asleep (see the proof here) & also upset his girlfriend by inviting two other birds into their room, I kid you not check out the video here!
We’re back tomorrow morning from 6, with more chances to go to the Victorian Festival of Christmas in Portsmouths Historic Dockyard & you could also be off to see the Human League in Bournemouth. Ace.
Plus we want to know how you have embarrassingly injured yourself? Aussie Nige has hurt his back and is very embarrassed about how he did it, more details and the full story tomorrow!
Lucy xxx