Rich and Zoe's Odd Soccer

Joe Watts

Remember Paul The Octopus? It's a bit like that, this is Rich and Zoe's way to predict who will win the World Cup! 


Each morning Rich and Zoe will be going head to head competing in their daily challenge set by producer Joe and YOU the listeners! 


England (Zoe) VS Italy (Rich) 


Check out the video here


So it may have looked like Rich won, but here's what actually happened! 


Odd Soccer Round 1 


Germany (Rich) VS Portugal (Zoe)

England (Rich) VS Uruguay (Zoe) 


With Zoe playing for Uruguay this morning and Rich for England. It was a face painting race; first one to paint their own face with the St. George's flag WINS! 



And here's how it sounded! 


Odd Soccer England VS Uruguay


Switzerland (Zoe) VS France (Rich) 

Switzerland famous for their chocolate meant that Rich and Zoe had a race to see who can eat the chocolate from around their Twix first 

Here's how it all went down! 

Odd Soccer - Twix Race


Australia (Rich) VS Spain (Zoe) 

Because Australia has all them Kangaroos Rich and Zoe had a Kangaroo Hopping race to determine the outcome of this match - WARNING ZOE DID WEAR A STRAPLESS DRESS TO WORK! 



Click the link here to go to the video! 


It's the sad day that came to soon - England's last game in the world cup. To mark the occasion and predict the outcome of the game Rich and Zoe had a race to take down the flags (slightly unfair as Rich did have a bit of a height advantage)! 


Odd Soccer Taking down the flags!