Feedback Sought On Library Changes
3 November 2014, 12:42 | Updated: 3 November 2014, 12:56
We might not be able to borrow CDs from libaries in Somerset in future, as part of proposals to save nearly half a million pounds.
Other ideas include changing how the service is managed, letting people use the internet for free, installing wifi and adapating the mobile library service.
However, the County Council says no libraries will close following the consultation.
People can find out more about what is being suggested during a series of drop-in sesssions:
24th November, Yeovil Library, 3pm - 7pm
27th November, Street Library, 10.30am - 1.30pm
28th November, Williton Library, 10.30am - 1.30pm
1st December, Taunton Library, 3pm - 7pm
4th December, Bridgwater Library, 3pm - 7pm
We can have our say until January 11th. The County Council's cabinet is due to make a decision in February.
Find out more here