Fareham Girl Gets An ASBO

An ASBO was granted by Fareham Magistrates Court on Wednesday 7 April on Jennifer Tindal, aged 17, of Neptune Road, Fareham.

For the past year Jennifer has been terrorising the local community around the Highlands Road area. Despite being banned from Somerfield in Highlands Road, she continued to regularly enter the store and shout obscenities at staff and customers, often refusing to leave which would result in the police having to be called to remove her.

On several occasions Tindal harassed staff at the Highlands Youth Club and has been verbally aggressive, resulting in her being banned from the club.

Tindal was given numerous chances over the past year both from the Police and the Council's Anti-Social Behaviour Officer to address and make changes to her behaviour but despite all advice and warnings given Tindal continued repeatedly with her unacceptable conduct.

This ASBO shows that the Community Safety Partnership will not tolerate this kind of mindless behaviour in Fareham and it will continue to pursue ASBO's against anyone engaging in anti-social activities, as the partnership is committed to keeping our communities safe.


Jennifer Tindal has been given a two year ASBO until 7 April 2012, banning her from:

  • Using swear words verbally or in writing within the hearing or sight of any person who has made a statement in the proceedings which resulted in the ASBO being granted.
  • Throwing any object around in a public place within the hearing or sight of any person likely to be caused harassment alarm or distress.
  • Throwing any object at any property or person in a public place in a manner likely to cause harassment alarm or distress.
  • Entering the area known as the Stow Estate, Fareham, including the Somerfield Store in Highlands Road and the pavement of Highlands Road on the same side of the road as Somerfield's, but not the road itself or the pavement on the opposite side of the road to Somerfield's.
  • Carrying any open container of alcohol in a public place.
  • Associating in public with Thomas Scott, Jack Elms or Tuffail Hussain Chowdary.
  • Entering any shop or commercial premises or youth club from which she is barred.
  • Remaining in any shop or commercial premises or youth club after having been asked to leave by a member of staff.
  • Being in a public place between 20:00hrs and 06:00hrs daily unless accompanied by a responsible adult.