New Forest Thief Must Pay Back £45k

22 January 2014, 06:24

A man has been ordered to pay back more than £45,000 he made from his life of crime following a spree of thefts from vehicles, mainly in the New Forest.

Fredrick King, aged 45, from Flowerdown Close, Calmore was ordered to pay back the money at a confiscation hearing at Southampton Crown Court. It calculated that he had benefited from his crimes to the value of almost £233,000. The order for £45,000 to be paid back will strip him of all the assets he holds.
Compensation was also awarded to a number of his victims. Should he fail to pay the order within 6 months he could face a further 16 months in prison.
Fredrick King and his son Daniel King, 23, from Croydon Close, Calmore were convicted in June last year of conspiracy to steal from motor vehicles following a number of thefts from vehicles mainly parked in the New Forest area.

Fredrick King was also convicted of mortgage fraud. Fredrick King was sentenced to 4 years for the conspiracy and 2 years for the fraud and his son Daniel received 12 months imprisonment suspended for 18 months.
Detective Chief Inspector Justin Norris said:

“It is fair to say that theft from motor vehicles in the New Forest reduced by a significant amount when Fredrick King and his son were arrested and we welcome this confiscation of some of the assets he bought with the money he made from his crimes.
“Despite the drop in thefts from vehicles it does still occur too often. Most of the thefts in this investigation happened because members of the public were seen to put valuables such as purses or bags in their cars before leaving the car unattended and going for walks or bike rides.
“Nothing should interrupt the peaceful enjoyment of all who wish to park their cars and take fresh air but it is a sad fact that there are people who look to exploit those who leave themselves vulnerable to such criminal conduct.
“We’d urge all users of the car parks of the New Forest and other beauty spots around the county to be mindful of the possibility of crime of this nature and either keep their valuables with them, or leave them at home in a secure place.”