Suffolk: Apps Lessons in Schools
27 September 2012, 05:00 | Updated: 27 September 2012, 07:38
Schoolchildren in Suffolk will be getting special lesson about how to make Apps.
Suffolk County Council is now working to introduce app programming skills into schools.
It's after the success of the mobile app development day held by Suffolk County Council and the feedback received from teachers and school children.
They're working with a local development company Jadu to help teach young people the skills the need to help them find work in the future.
Jane Storey, who's behind the project spoke to Heart and says she's very excited to bring this technology into schools...
Sally Rundell, Suffolk County Council's assistant director for learning and improvement, said: "Our children and young people are living in a world where digital technologies are everywhere and this isn't going to change.
"We need to ensure that they continue to receive the best possible education to equip them for their futures.
"Working with Jadu, under the umbrella of our Raising the Bar programme, will give Suffolk young people the opportunity to develop communication and programming skills through an exciting and innovative interface. I am delighted that Jadu have chosen Suffolk schools to trial and develop Weejot for use in education."