Suffolk: Pupils Asked How To Improve GCSE Results

15 February 2013, 06:00

School children in Suffolk are being asked what they would like to see to help improve GCSE results.

The project called Shout Out Suffolk is part of Suffolk County Council's Raising the Bar campaign to raise education standards in the county.

Suffolk has one of the worst results in the country when it comes to GCSEs.  They are currently 142 out of 151 local authorities.

The Raising the Bar campaign is looking at ways to improve exam results ,but so far it has only spoken to adults.  So they've decided to ask pupils what they think would help them learn.

The research is being done by the University Campus Suffolk.

Dr Emma Bond, Senior Lecturer in Applied Social Sciences at UCS said: “If we are really going to grasp why Suffolk is failing to meet the educational needs of young people, we need to understand what their educational experiences are like and we need to listen to their views as they are the very people who are going to be affected.”

The project will pose just three simple straightforward questions to the county’s young people and children:

1.         What is learning like in Suffolk?

2.         What do you hope for in your life?

3.         What will help you make that happen?

Children are also being offered and incentive to take part - they could win and iPad.

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