Suffolk: Top Police Officer To Do Live Webchat

30 October 2013, 06:00 | Updated: 30 October 2013, 06:18

Suffolk's new Chief Constable Douglas Paxton is to do a live online webchat tonighjt to find out more about our crime priorities.

Between 6pm and 7.30pm Mr Paxton will be online and available to answer any questions or concerns about policing.

The webchat follows the successful ‘Chief on Tour’ events held throughout the summer, in which Mr Paxton visited town centres throughout Suffolk to listen to the concerns and opinions of local people.

Mr Paxton said, “Since taking on the role of Chief Constable earlier this year, I have been very keen to spend time listening to local people, hearing about what they want from their policing service and what they think about how it is delivered.

“I want to ensure that the quality of the service we provide is the best it can be, and that we are responding to the things that matter in our towns and villages.

“We will be continuing our efforts to help those who are most vulnerable in our communities and to further reduce crime and anti-social behaviour, and I would like to hear views on this, and on any other matter.

“I would urge anyone who has a question or comment to log on to the webchat on the 30th and let me know what you think about your local policing.”

To access the webchat, visit on Wednesday 30th October and access the link advertised on the homepage.