Next Stage On Berkshire Broadband Plans

5 March 2013, 08:58

A consultation to get 90 per cent of Berkshire connected to superfast broadband by the end of 2015 has started.

Superfast broadband is already being expanded by existing commercial providers and will certainly have an improved reach in Berkshire over the next three years. 

But even with these plans it is estimated that 47,000 business and domestic premises - most in rural areas - won't have faster speeds unless further action is taken.

The Superfast Berkshire project has been created to cover this shortfall and ensure as many residents and businesses as possible will have access to the new technology. 

The Government, as part of a nationwide initiative, has pledged £1.43 million for the Superfast Berkshire project. 

The county's six unitary councils, together with a number of parish councils, are providing £1.43 million match funding which in total should act as an incentive for a private sector provider to sign up and invest in delivering the necessary infrastructure.

Known providers were contacted in January asking for clarification of the areas of the county they currently serve or plan to serve.

Responses enabled the areas where superfast broadband is still needed to be further defined. Now consultation is under way to establish if there are any other community organisations, businesses or broadband providers planning to offer further superfast broadband over the next three years.

Operators are urged to come forward and respond to the consultation which is now live at