Stay Safe on the Roads in Bucks

8 November 2011, 05:00

Drivers in Buckinghamshire are getting help to make sure they stay safe on the roads during winter.

The county council's putting on winter driving workshops through November. Last year more than 200 people either went to a evening workshop or an event put on by their employer.

Each workshop starts with a presentation on how to drive in challenging conditions and then garage technicians take-over and point out common faults and basic vehicle maintenance checks. There's also some common-sense advice like keeping a sleeping bag, snacks and bottled water in your car in case of emergencies.

Buckinghamshire County Council (BCC) have also given out some advice and tips on keeping safe:

* Be a good neighbour. Check on elderly or vulnerable friends and neighbours who may be struggling in the cold. Icy roads and snow means they may not be able to get out and about; they may need help with shopping, clearing paths, getting a repeat prescription, or just need to see a friendly face.
If you are worried or concerned about how an elderly or vulnerable neighbour or friend is coping with the weather, contact our Adult Social Care team on 01296 383204.
* Order fuel early. It is better to stock up on fuel before winter sets in. The early part of winter is when suppliers have spare delivery capacity and prices are likely to be lower than further into the winter period, when demand is high and delivery times are longer.
* Preparing for emergencies. Crises and emergencies can happen at any time. A booklet, ‘Are you ready?’, has been produced which provides clear, practical advice on preparing for an emergency. It also contains lots of valuable information and hints and tips on keeping healthy and well in winter, severe weather advice, what to do in the event of loss of power or water, as well as a section with useful emergency contact numbers for councils, utilities and other organisations.
Get the booklet by going to the council's website.