Bullies Sent Packing by School Pastors

School pastors are patrolling outside Westlands in Torquay to help pupils feel more secure on their journeys to and from school.

The school pastors have developed from the successful street pastors which  are now operating  in  cities and large town across the country.

Torbay's school pastors  are all volunteers from local churches  who were invited to start their patrols by Westlands which has a  robust anti-bullying policy inside the school and was determined to extend that as much as possible outside the school gates.

The uniformed and trained pastors  were introduced to the 1,250 students in assembly and have become familiar figures at the school gates.

Nervous  or distressed children can  use them as a point of support and comfort.

And in the few weeks since  they've been operating, they have helped a lost  boy, whose family had just moved house, find his way home and  have prevented some intimidating situations between students.

Our reporter Wendy Buckingham went out on patrol with school pastor Joel Ward  who explained  the idea behind the scheme.


Assistant Head Neil Payne  says Westlands is pleased  with the support the school pastors  can offer students, especially the younger pupils.  CLICK HERE

Wendy  also  asked pupils what they thought about the school pastor scheme. Her first  comments came from 15 year old Joe...  CLICK HERE

It's hoped to extend the  scheme to other schools in the bay.