Dog attacks child in North Wales

An 8-year-old child has been treated for minor injuries after being attacked by a dog in North Wales.

The Alsatian will be put down after it attacked the child and a man on a housing estate at the weekend.

It happened on the Fairway Estate in Llandudno on Sunday afternoon.

Both victims were taken to hospital and treated for minor injuries.

Inspector Ian Verburg from North Wales Police said:

"Police were called to the incident at 3.04pm after reports of a dog running round the estate.

"We understand that the dog was being looked after by neighbours while the owners were away. We secured the animal and the owners have now agreed that their dog will be destroyed.

"It is fortunate that no one was badly injured.

He added:

"I am now warning dog owners that they have a great responsibility for their animals.

"Where the required care is not taken, people can be injured, as in this case, dogs destroyed and owners can face prosecution."