Parents Warned Not To Buy Toy Guns

Police in North Wales are calling on parents not to buy toy weapons or BB-Guns for their children this Christmas...

They say it's really hard to tell the difference between fake guns and real ones.  It could lead to children being faced by an armed officer in the street.

Assistant Chief Constable Gareth Pritchard said:

"Youths and adults carrying imitation firearms in public can cause real alarm to residents who think they are real guns.  This can trigger 999 calls and a response by armed officers."

"People must realise it is an offence to have air and imitation guns in a public place, without lawful authority or reasonable excuse and you can be arrested."

Distressing Scenes

In the last two years North Wales Police Firearms Officers have attended 37 incidents involving toy weapons or BB guns.  On some occasions they've had to shut down whole streets before realising it's a fake weapon.  The Police say this can cause real distress to local communities and to the children involved.

Parents Called to Hand Toy Guns In

In the run up to Christmas, North Wales Police are asking parents to hand in any fake guns they may have at home. 

Chief Inspector Darren Wareing told Heart:

"Please just take responsibility - think about the impact - bring them to the police station.  We'll make sure we deal with them appropriately and get them off the streets."

North Wales Police showed Heart some real guns next to fake ones.  See if you can spot the difference...
