River levels drop as flood defence holds

90 homes were saved from floods over the weekend as heavy rainfall caused rivers to burst their banks in North Wales.

New flood defences in Conwy protected houses around the worst affected areas of Llanrwst and Trefriw.

High river levels caused flooding to roads and railway lines but experts think dozens of houses would have flooded without the new defences.

Alan Winstone from Environment Agency Wales, said:

"Thanks to this defence scheme, we are very relieved to report that there has been no significant flooding in households in the communities of Llanrwst and Trefriw.

"The schemes have proven successful during this very wet weekend, protecting 90 households from flooding.

"If we didn’t have this defence in place, we would have very likely seen a significant number of households flooded in Llanrwst and Trefriw."

There's just one flood warning in force now, for the Lower Dee Valley from Llangollen to Chester.

A number of less serious flood alerts are still in place across Wales but the forecast is for much drier weather during Monday.