Alternative Route to Birmingham Children's Hospital
From North / West
Leave motorway network at M6 Junction 7, follow the A34 south. At the A4540
Middle Ring Road take exit onto Newtown Row. At Lancaster Circus take
the exit onto James Watt Queensway and follow Dale End, Newton Street,
Corporation Street and Steelhouse Lane to the Hospital.
From South
Leave motorway network at M42 Junction 3 and follow the A435 north. At
Hayden Circus follow the A4540 Middle Ring Road anti clockwise to Newtown
Row and follow directions as per ‘From North/West’.
From East
Leave motorway network at M6 Junction 5 and follow the A47 south. At
Ashted Circus take the exit onto Dartmouth Middleway. At Dartmouth Circus
take the exit onto Corporation Street. At Lancaster Circus take the exit onto
James Watt Queensway and follow Dale End, Newton Street, Corporation
Street and Steelhouse Lane to the Hospital.
Car park – NCP Londonderry House just off Dale End / Newton Street (2
minute walk to Children’s Hospital